2020 Julius Hirsch award

Oded Breda with his film "Liga Terezin"

Honorary Prize, Oded Breda (Israel) founded the LIGA TEREZIN project in 2009 in Beit Terezin ("House Theresienstadt"), a research and educational institution in the Kibbutz Givat Chaim (Ihud), which includes an exhibition, an educational program and a memorial tournament . The exhibition, which has now been used as a mobile device, tells the story of a football league in the Theresienstadt ghetto between 1942-44. Professional athletes and amateurs of Jewish origin played several hundred football matches on an improvised field in the courtyard of a barracks during their imprisonment. During this time they forgot about hunger, misery, sickness and death for a short time. In 2012 the documentary LIGA TEREZIN, produced together with Mike Schwartz & Avi Kanner, was added, which shows the abuse of sport by the National Socialists and connects it with the search for traces of the survivors with the present. Since 2015, the film has been shown by the directors several times on tours in Germany.

source: https://www.dfb.de/preisewettbewerbe/julius-hirsch-preis/bisherige-preistraeger/preistraeger-2020/

A sign against discrimination

With the foundation of the Julius Hirsch Prize, the DFB has been commemorating the German-Jewish national soccer player Julius Hirsch (1892-1943) and everyone, especially the Jewish victims, of the unjust Nazi state. In a special way he reminds of the persecuted people, for whom football was joy, task and home.

In this way, the DFB commemorates its Jewish members and commemorates their diverse and formative achievements in German football. He faces up to his history and his responsibility in the time of National Socialism.

"Never again" is the name of the mark that the DFB is setting with the foundation of the Julius Hirsch Prize. It thus makes a contribution to strengthening civil society, in which democracy, human rights and the protection of minorities are inalienable values.

The award is given to people, initiatives and clubs who are actively involved on the football field, as fans in the stadium, in the club and in society in an exemplary and clearly visible manner.

  • for the inviolability of human dignity and against anti-Semitism and racism

  • for understanding and against the exclusion of people

  • for the diversity of all people and against discrimination and xenophobia.